By Dave and Mary

Sawn Balusters

Wood Baluster Designs for Your Porch

Predominantly used on Victorian porches, sawn balusters rightly have a place on almost any porch. What may seem like intricate cuts, the designs are often created by the adjoining pieces. These porch railings are usually custom made.

For one thing we are certain, a sawn balustrade definitely creates curb appeal. You are only limited by your imagination when selecting a design or pattern for your porch.

sawn balusters collage
You can add beauty to your porch with sawn balusters.

Take a Look at These Baluster Ideas

white balusters on front porch and porch stairs

As you will see from the following photos, balusters can be made from almost any pattern and be as simple or as intricate as you can imagine - and cut! Many designs are actually created by adjoining pieces as they are by the actual baluster itself.

sawn baluster pickets on lovely Victorian home

Sawn balusters are sometimes referred to as fret sawn. This refers to a fret saw (much like a coping saw or scroll saw) which is used to cut intricate patterns.

Notice how, in the photo above, you actually focus on the pattern of the open space of the balusters rather than the actual picket itself.

fret railings - intricate pattern

We really like the clean look of the balusters (photo above). It has real charm and like an optical illusion, you can see several neat patterns emerge.

sawn porch balusters in loop pattern create a nice backdrop for the flower boxes

The balusters make a nice backdrop for the flowers. When designing your balustrade, you might want to also consider what will be placed in front of it, if anything.

sawn railings in shades of pink and turquoise on this Victorian home

This pattern appears elsewhere on the page but is in a different color. Note how color changes the overall look of the pattern. It might be a good idea to experiment with both color and design when creating your balusters.

intricate design on these balusters

Also note in our photos, how the color of the rails affect the overall appeal. Complementary colors, instead of using the same color as the balusters, can also have dramatic affects.

sawn balusters painted a bright pink color

Wow - that's color. This may not work for every porch but when it does, it gets noticed! very classy sawn porch balusters on these porch stairs

Don't forget your stair railing. You could opt for different balusters but it does add extra charm when you continue it down your stairs.

sawn pickets in lovely Celtic-like pattern with two-tone railings

Here's another example of replicating the pattern but with a different color. In this case, two additional colors are added to the top rail for a unique look.

sawn pickets - wavy design - quite awesome!

One of my favorites. I found this in a small New England town and thought it interesting. I hadn't seen this pattern before and I like it.

sawn baluster typical design

This pattern includes an extra piece at the top. You could also design it to have a duplicate piece at the bottom to create an entirely different pattern.

this baluster pattern takes you eyes to the holses created by the pattern

This pattern takes your eyes right to the center holes created by the overall pattern. Striking to say the least.

Sawn Baluster Patterns

You can either make the pieces yourself or purchase sawn patterns. Here are a few examples from Vintage along with a photo of their work on a porch. Our Section on Porch Parts has a convenient link to Vintage Woodworks; we invite you to discuss your project with them.

sawn railings graphic from Vintage Woodworks

sawn railings on porch courtesy of Vintage Woodworks

Mary and Dave, Founders of Front Porch Ideas and More
Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches. You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.

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Mary and Dave, Founders of Front Porch Ideas and More
Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches. You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.
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