By Dave and Mary

Front Porch Appeal Newsletter
Issue #114 March 2021

Welcome Spring Edition

gorgeous pink tulips in springtime

Ah, dear friends! It's getting to be more like spring every day. If you haven't seen signs of spring where you live, just rest assured you will. Here we have daffodils and crocuses blooming and I can see buds on our hyacinths.

The beauty of spring is the new life we see in Mother Nature's brush strokes. From tiny buds popping up in the earth to baby birds hatching and little spring-green leaves unfolding. Miracles indeed.

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Inside This Edition...

  • Springtime is for Porches
  • Consider Having One of These During Tornado Season
  • St. Patrick's Day: Bring Out the Shamrocks
  • More Spring Tidbits
  • Thank You As Always

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Springtime is for Porches

daffodil painted pillow topper for spring

One of the first things Dave and I set out to do in the spring is get our porch ready. We move everything off, clean the windows, porch ceiling, shutters and floor. Because our porch faces west and gets enormous amounts of sun, we give our rocking chairs a new coat of paint every spring to renew their life. Then the fun part comes - putting up some very welcoming spring decorations.

Among our new amenities this spring is our rugs; we appreciate how they improve the decor. Our older, yet-still-nice rugs have found a happy home on our back porch, a win for both porches.

springtime porch decorating

Daffodils are the highlight of our spring porch. We enjoyed painting the daffodil wall art and the pillow toppers.

Dave and I love daffodils. When we moved into our home back in 2013, we planted a bunch of bulbs. You'd think we'd have plenty of blooms every spring, but when you live near the woods, the squirrels, bunnies and deer like to feast on the tasty flowers and leaves.

So we enjoy our small pot of daffodils on the porch and it won't be long and our front porch garden will be blooming once again.

daffodil painting

We used a piece of masonite for the daffodil painting. Done in acrylics, our porch wall art is meant to be enjoyed from the street. I love that I get to practice my painting skills for our porch.

Dave brought home this sweet blue pot and a couple of daffodil plants for our porch.

daffodil painting

Here's another view of the painted daffodils. If you look closely, a little more than halfway down on the painting, you can see a thin wire that goes across the painting. The wire keeps it from swaying back and forth with the wind - and it works well.

daffodil painted pillow topper for spring

Hope you enjoy the close-up of the daffodil pillow toppers. The blue and white checked pillow covers were originally in our living room, but having made new pillow covers, we decided to use these on the porch. The toppers are simply a very small daffodil painted on cotton fabric that resembles a newspaper.

sweet blue pot of daffodils on porch

Once the daffodil blooms are spent, we'll plant these bulbs in the yard.

spring wreath at front door

Our spring wreath is a re-run from last spring, but we added some fresh flowers to the boxwood foundation and it's new once again. The small vertical forsythia painting to the right is one of my favorites. I remember painting it in about 30 minutes time. Sometimes the bests things are done quickly.

Consider Having One of These During Tornado Season

SafePorch installed adjacent to porch

If you're not blessed with a safe place to go during a tornado, here is an idea for you. This "SafePorch" can be installed as part of your porch, your patio, deck or screened porch.

St. Patrick's Day: Bring Out the Shamrocks

Saint Patrick's day decorations on Karen's screened porch

Our friend, Karen Pivonski Lewis, often shares her porch pictures with us and we are so happy she does. Look at her festive St. Patrick's Day decor. I especially love the small tree with shamrocks.

St Augustine Fl porch

Speaking of St. Patrick's Day decorations, isn't this wreath stunning? We saw this beautiful porch when we visited St. Augustine, Florida, a few years ago in March.

The homeowner chatted with us about her porch. We love the fact that porch people are so friendly! In the years we've been writing about porches, we've had the pleasure of visiting with many homeowners who have a similar passion.

St. Augustine shop ready for St Patricks Day

That's what we always thought....whether you're Irish or not, it's enjoyable to celebrate St. Patrick's Day.

burlap shamrock pillow

Want to make one of these? Here are the instructions for the little burlap pillow.

St. Patricks Day inflatable in front yard

When the two us take walks to our nearby lake, we pass this adorable vintage home. Look at their sweet St. Patrick's Day inflatable.

Please stop by our St. Patrick's Day page for more inspiring ideas for decorating with green this time of the year.

More Spring Tidbits

colorful panies in springtime

Living in the south, it's common for pansies to be planted in the autumn and thrive until it gets very warm in the spring. Pansies come in so many beautiful colors, it's hard to decide. At least for me.

yellow crocuses popping up in springtime

And who doesn't love a pretty patch of yellow crocuses?

orchid blossoms in small silver pitcher

On an inside note...When we had snow on the ground a couple of weeks ago, I was taking care of our two orchids and accidentally broke one of the stems with flowers. I didn't want to just toss the flowers, so I put them in this small stainless steel pitcher and they have stayed pretty every since.

That is...until I left them in the kitchen window and bright sunshine hit them. They love bright light, but not direct sunshine. Normally we keep the orchids in the bathroom above the tub and this north-facing window is the perfect spot for them.

Please Enjoy More Spring Decorating Ideas

Sheila's spring wreath

We always appreciate when your share your pictures with us. Sheila shared her wreath with us. Won't you stop by our spring page to see more ideas like this?

Thank You As Always

gorgeous pink tulips in springtime

Simply said, may springtime be in your heart and in your backyard hopefully soon. We hope you've enjoyed these springtime porch ideas and thoughts. We truly appreciate you are part of our newsletter family. You're the reason we love writing about porches.

May you be staying healthy and enjoying your life. Here in Middle Tennessee, we are going to have some warm days this week, so it will be fun getting out there and having our coffee. Till next time, we hope all is well and right in your world. Thank you for spending a few minutes here with us.

May The Road Rise Up to Meet You

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

~~~traditional Gaelic blessing

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Mary and Dave Please enjoy browsing past issues of our newsletters right here. Take a few moments of chill time.

Happy porch sitting from your friends,

Mary and Dave

Life is short. Enjoy your porch.

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Mary and Dave, Founders of Front Porch Ideas and More
Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches. You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.

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small rocking chair

Mary and Dave, Founders of Front Porch Ideas and More
Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches. You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.

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small rocking chair
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