By Dave and Mary
Looking for a Porch Design for Ranch Style Home
Many of our site visitors are looking for a porch design for a ranch style home. Here's a recent example:
Ray from Chicago writes:
"Currently we have no porch. We are in the process of deciding what style porch to do - a concrete patio
with overhang from roof and decorative posts - no railing or an all wood porch.
We live in Chicago so we get a lot of crazy weather where concrete might be better;
however, I like the look of the wood with a railing.
Also, we only have one step up to our house. Would that look strange for a front porch?"
If You Are Looking for a Porch Design for a Ranch Style Home
Consider combining the two, concrete with wood or vinyl columns and railings.
Concrete can be stained or stamped to look like a wide variety of other materials: stone, slate, granite, etc.
It's amazing what can be done with concrete flooring today.
Then you could support your roof with wood (or vinyl columns).
Vinyl would hold up to the Chicago weather and today's products look really great.
In essence, you could have a really neat porch that is almost maintenance free and would look fantastic on your style home.
Or as another option, use composite flooring or interlocking deck tiles.
These won't decay and can withstand severe weather conditions. Plus, it looks just like wood!
The step can also be concrete and stained or stamped to look like your porch floor.
That little bit of height will allow you to showcase a potted plant or two or if you have space, allow you to
nicely landscape the front edge of your new porch!
Have you seen our Porch Illustrator for a ranch home? It lets you see how a simple ranch home
can be transformed with a front porch - from a stoop to a gracious sized porch.
The above before and after pictures, courtesy of Home Rebuilders, depict how a home can be transformed with the right front porch design!
Another Ranch Style Home Idea
Before: A basic ranch home without a front porch
After: The addition of a front porch certainly increases the charm appeal!
The front of the gable roof and the porch skirting match the home's siding. What a wonderful addition to this home.
We have gathered quite a few pictures of ranch homes with porches for you to peruse, Ray.
And please be sure to see a myriad of other fantastic front porch ideas for decorating, designing, and landscaping your front porch and yard.
Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches.
You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.
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Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches.
You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.
--- Cute Mushroom Mug ---
Wouldn't this be an adorable mug for your porch?
It's for sale in my Etsy shop!
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