As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. If you make a purchase through affiliate links on our site, we earn a commission at no cost to you. See our disclosure policy. Meaning of Decorative Stars Seen on Country Homes and PorchesA reader asked: "What is the meaning of decorative stars seen on country homes and porches?"We shed some light on it here AND we welcome your input too. We hope you enjoy the bits of history we found behind these metal barn stars - seen on barns, in farming communities, on country porches as well as modern homes. ![]() Courtesy of our friends, Maya and DavidOne of the most unique and beautiful stars that we have seen on a porch. Found at our dear friend's home.Is there a special meaning behind these stars? ![]() Patriotic star on this front porch grouped with flag wall artWhat is the Meaning of Decorative Stars Seen on Country Homes and Porches?Asked by Kay of Mt. Rainier, MarylandQUESTION: What is the meaning of decorative stars? I will be moving to a very rural area and have noticed many homes with decorative stars (brown or blue) on the wall of the porch or home.The star is usually large and noticeable. It may be a six point star. ANSWER: Thank you for writing us and visiting our website, Kay. You ask a wonderful question about the meaning of the decorative stars often seen on homes and barns. They are commonly called "barn stars" since they are often seen gracing the fronts of barns. We did some research and here is what we found. In most cases today, homeowners hang the decorative old-looking metal stars on their homes simply because they enjoy and like them. Usually they are 5-pointed and come in various sizes. Sometimes they are hung on the porch wall. Other times you see them hung near the gable, on the garage or on a barn. The stars are very eye-catching - they add a touch of Americana and a country kind of feeling to one's porch. Usually they look old and distressed, although they are just made to look that way with an antique finish. We've read that long ago these Americana stars may have been used originally to hide certain features on a building. Today you can see them on many homes and we believe mostly for curb appeal purposes. ![]() A star also decorates this home!You can find these decorative metal barn stars (usually with 5 points) on homes all across the United States. It's common to see them in farming communities, but Dave and I have seen many of them on porches and homes even in the newer area where we live.We've seen them in small towns and larger towns - anywhere the homeowner wants to add a folksy appeal to their home. They are sometimes known as primitive stars or Pennsylvania stars, too. Another place in which you might see stars as decorations is in Texas. The State of Texas is known as the "Lone Star State". Often times in western motif decorating, indoors and outdoors, they use the ornamental Lone Star. Kay, thank you for asking this question. We hope you really enjoy your new home in the country. And if you decide to decorate your porch with one of these pretty stars, please send us a few pictures to share on our website. ![]() We thank Maya and David for sharing this with usA colorful metallic star like this is sure to engage your visitors and friends alike!![]() We thank our sweet friend Anna for sharing with usAnna hung this wonderful star on her Craftsman style porch. See our interview with Anna about her lovely Craftsman home.![]() Decorative star and outdoor wall art on porch in Maryville TNWe Found This Barn Stars for YouMary and I discovered some really neat barn stars (referral link) at You'll find a wide variety of pretty colors and styles.So many options for both inside your home and in your outdoor spaces from primitive to rustic, patriotic to classic. Many of you have contributed to this topic via the Facebook comments below. Thank you! The meaning of decorative stars seen on country homes and porches ranges from decorative beauty to special significance. We appreciate hearing from you and welcome comments no matter where you live. And we know many of you already have stars displayed on your porch and even inside your homes. Enjoy and celebrate them. And feel free to send us your pictures too. More Decorative Stars Shared by Our Readers![]() Photo courtesy of Karen Pivonski Lewis
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