As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. If you make a purchase through affiliate links on our site, we earn a commission at no cost to you. See our disclosure policy. Front Porch SwingsSwing Options for Your PorchDave designed our new cedar porch swingPorch swings are a gathering place from which memories are made. Poems have been written and songs have been sung about the magic powers of a front porch swing.Here you can see the beauty in our new cedar porch swingDo you have porch memories? My swing became an airplane soaring through the air or a base from which to play hide-and-seek. Pretending was the best.Mary has fond memories of playing on her grandparents swing with her grandmother. Porch Swings: where memories are made! We encourage you to check out several options before you purchase - just in case you find a swing that you may not have previously considered like a 4 porch swing (short for a four foot wide swing which are perfect for small porches)! Porch Swings DirectoryWho wouldn't want to spend time on this beautiful front porch swing?
The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, then walk away feeling like
it was the best conversation that you ever had. - Arnold H. Glasgow
Wood SwingsWe love both the look and feel of wooden swings. As a woodworker, I appreciate both the beauty and craftsmanship in classic wooden swings.Although wood swings require more care than other types, you'll be surprised at how many options you have - some require very little maintenance. Metal Swing OptionsFor undeniable elegance and years of durability, a metal swing may be just what you need. Unique in design, metal swings offer what other swings cannot deliver.Whether you choose a simple pattern or one that is extravagantly ornate, it will last a long time with minimal maintenance. Explore your metal swing options. Wicker Swing OptionsClassic wicker swings surely don't go out of style. Wicker is not only beautiful but also extremely comfortable.Add a couple cushions and spend some time on the swing with someone you love. See more wicker swings. Adirondack SwingsYou can't go wrong with an inviting Adirondack porch swing - leisure and rustic come to mind. It has a classic appeal and looks so nice with almost any outdoor furniture design.Listen to a Short Porch Swing StoryCourtesy of Creative Commons (ctj71081 and license)Click on the play button to hear Shannon's storyLearn more about Shannon on our Porch Ideas Network podcast page. Our Favorite - Swing BedsInviting Porch Bed Swing by The Porch CompanyThere's nothing quite like a swing bed for maximum comfort. Curl up in comfort on one of these beauties and you'll wonder why it took you so long to get one.We know where you can get one that converts easily to a regular porch swing! It's our absolute favorite of swing beds handcrafted by The Porch Company. We really love bed swings. Video: This Bed Swing Adjusts for Napping or SittingWe love that this bed swing is comfortable no matter whether you want to lie down for a comfy nap or sit up and read a book. The back adjusts - such a neat idea from The Porch Company. Swing AccessoriesSwing Cushions for Your Tushy - Pillows Too!Comfortable cushions and colorful pillows are what finish your swing. So much more comfortable with swing cushions, of course, and the patterns and colors available make it a fun decision.Swing Hanging HardwareUse the proper swing hardware (referral link) to secure your swing to ensure its safety. Heavy duty and built to last, this hardware will do the trick!Also, check out how to hang your swing properly. 10 Factors You Need to Know When Selecting a Porch Swing
Back to DirectoryEnjoy Our Porch Swing for a Few MomentsSwings Can Be Beautiful, Creative and FunPorch swings are perfect for enclosed porches too!Photo courtesy of Denise from The Painted HomeThis beautiful handcrafted musical swing was made by Tor Clausen of Olympia, WA. You can actually play a tune on it! A contemporary swing for maximum comfortSwings and porch gliders can range from beautifully hand-made designs to charming novelty designs. In doing our research, we found that even the Coca-Cola Company® has a red and white striped classical swing for your porch (or at least at the time of our writing). How cool is that?Dave and I often see this home on our walks and we love that they have both porch rocking chairs and a porch swing. Makes for a perfect relaxing spot from which to watch the world go by! Photo courtesy of Jeff and Leyla
Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches. You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas. --- Cute Mushroom Mug ---Wouldn't this be an adorable mug for your porch? It's for sale in my Etsy shop! --- Our Wonderful Sponsors ------ End Sponsors ---Our Newsletter, Front Porch AppealLearn more!Thank you for being here! |
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