By Dave and Mary
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Porch Trellis Ideas
for Privacy and Gardening

Our porch trellis ideas will hopefully give you the impetus to try something new on your porch, deck, or patio. You can easily use trellises in a variety of ways from gardening to offering a bit of privacy. We also give you access to free DIY trellis plans!

Typically they are used in the garden or as part of arbors upon which to grow climbing plants. But they also work really well for creating a private space or as a decorative addition to the outside of your home. They are perfect for small porches and balconies too.

three turquois trellises with box planters on porch
Aesthetically Pleasing Triple Trellis Porch Idea
There are a few porch trellis ideas that Mary and I believe would be a great addition to your deck, patio, or porch - or all three! Here's a few examples of various porch trellis ideas for you to consider. We've included affiliate links where appropriate to trellises and other products for your convenience that we think you'd enjoy. Using the links may result in us receiving a sales commission.

Enjoy These Porch Trellis Ideas

Combine the best of both worlds and place an outdoor planter box with trellis on your porch. Not only can you grow climbing flowering plants but also include herbs, beautiful annuals, ferns, and perhaps even a trailing sweet potato plant!

Lattice trellises also provide a space for hanging plants as well - an added bonus!

planter with porch treillis
Porch trellis with planter

Box planters with trellises allow you to grow perfect flowers without the hassle of weeding or preventing most pests that plague outdoor gardens. And you can add just the right soils for your plants for maximum growth and beauty.

Porch trellis planters vary in size and style. The one shown below has a large planting area perfect for both flowers and vegetables. Select a style and size that fits your needs and available space.

We discovered trellis planter ideas (referral link) at and really like the styles. shown below:

trellis with beautiful flowers
Elegant Trellis Planter
Trellis with Planter Box & Privacy Screen (referral link)

Large Garden Trellis for Climbing Plants Wrought Iron Metal (referral link)

Porch Trellis Innovative Options

Here's a variation of a trellis planter. You can hang a trellis on your house or garage wall and place a planter box beneath. We can see how this may be a viable option for many, especially those who would like to add a trellis planter on their patio.

Decorative Wall Hanging Ivy Climbing Plant Screen with Adjustable Width (referral link)

Here's a novel idea Mary and I discovered. This Scroll Trellis is perfect to use on your porch columns, deck posts, or even mailboxes. It is made from a high density Ultraviolet resistant mesh and is rust resistant.

It would be perfect for your climbing beauties like Clematis, Morning Glory, and Mandevilla plants. And it won't break or crack like wood trellises. All you need to do is place your potted plant beneath it and enjoy!

Garden Trellis for Clematis Climbing Plants Mailbox and Deck Post(referral link)

You can add a trellis to a planter box with wheels so you can move it easily whether on your porch, deck, or patio. We move our potted plants periodically depending on how much sunlight or water they may need making wheels a real plus! Use one of the DIY porch trellis ideas below to create a mobile trellis planter.

Raised Planter Box with Legs Outdoor Standing Elevated Garden Bed On Wheels

trellis with pink coneflowers and brown-eyed susans

Some raised planters are designed with shelves for storage of soil and gardening tools too. If growing herbs or vegetables, remember to use natural woods or premium food-grade, BPA free polymers that are safe for consuming foods.

Cambridge 36"W x 24"L Vinyl Raised Planter (referral link)

Porch Trellis Ideas for Subtle Privacy

St. Augustine porch with purple painted floor

At first we noticed the brightly painted porch floor.

St. Augustine FL home

Then we noticed the privacy trellis panel.

St. Augustine FL home with pretty porch

Lovely, isn't it, how a trellis panel can create filtered privacy? Take a look at these other ideas we found for creating your own privacy porch.

Outdoor Plant Pots with Trellis Options

trellis with hanging orange bucket stuffed with flowers

Pot trellises add additional functionality in that they take up less space and are somewhat more portable. They also expand the types of plants you can grow. In lieu of petunias, now you can climbers like Mandevilla or even grow green beans if you'd like!

dark wooden planter with trelis
Porch Trellis For Potted Plants

Mary and I made this simple trellis with twine for one of our Mandevilla plant on our porch. We clamped a piece of wood at the top of one of our columns to wrap the twine around it.

home made flower pot trellis for climbing plant

home made flower pot trellis for climbing plants

trellis support at top of porch column
Trellis support at top of porch column

Video: Make an Invisible Trellis

We show you how to make this "invisible" plant trellis for your porch. Mary and I really like the idea you can't easily see how the vine is supported as it grows. It is simple and inexpensive to make.

This Bamboo Wall Trellis Set (referral link)can be adjusted into almost any shape you desire. The rings hook intertwine to form a large trellis; just place it above a planter with a climbing plant.

Often times, a hanging plants needs additional support as well. Here's one way to accommodate that. This topiary is just right for climbing plants like Monstera Vine, Philodendron and Pothos and allows them to grow into a unique full sphere shape right on your porch.

Garden Trellis Arch for Potted Plants, Hanging Planters, Garden Décor, Indoor Plants, Outdoor Climbing Plants (referral link)

Planter Box with Lattice Trellis for Privacy

trellis with beautiful flowers

A planter box with lattice trellis is an elegant way to get a degree of privacy for a porch, deck or even a patio. It's also a great place to grow climbing plants. Trellis planters offer unique designs that allows you to adapt them for a variety of locations.

Fusion Planter Cedar Privacy Screen (referral link)

You could easily adopt this idea to build a trellis between porch columns to add a bit of privacy. Add a climbing vine and make it a little hide-away.

porch trellis ideas between porch columns
Trellis Between Porch Columns

trellis planter for privacy on front porch
Beautifully designed privacy trellis idea

DIY Porch Trellis Projects and Plans

Building your own porch planter box and trellis may be easier than you think. Watch this short video to see how to do it!

Free Planter Plans We Found for You

Fast Growing Vines for Trellises

Here's a list of some fast growing vines and plants you might try to grow on your porch, patio, or deck.
  • Climbing Roses
  • Clematis
  • Climbing Hydrangeas
  • sweet pea
  • Wisteria
  • Trumpet Vine
  • Virginia creeper
  • Nasturtium
  • Rambling Rose
  • Star Jasmine
  • Hops
  • Mandevilla

Before You Go...

vinyl lattice privacy panel on back porch
Our back porch - we made these privacy panels
Before you go, please take a look at how to make your own privacy porch panels.

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Mary and Dave, Founders of Front Porch Ideas and More
Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches. You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.

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Mary and Dave, Founders of Front Porch Ideas and More
Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches. You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.
--- Cute Mushroom Mug ---
cute mushroom mug sitting next to a vase with daisies
Wouldn't this be an adorable mug for your porch? It's for sale in my Etsy shop!

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