By Dave and Mary
Screening Materials for NoSeeUms and Mosquitos
We are often asked about the best screening materials for noseeums and mosquitos. John, one of our site visitors writes:
We live in Shreveport, LA...lots of mosquitoes and no-see-ums. Just finished building and have back porch ready to screen.
We have an amazing view, so we want the most transparent, but effective screen. Any suggestions on type/where/cost?
The infamous mosquito pixabay.com
Mosquitoes. No-see-ums. Both are quite a nuisance.
The scientific name for the no-see-um family is Ceratopogonidae and they are given various names worldwide - punkies, biting midges, and sand flies to name a few.
Although no more than 2 milimeters long they can bite.
For purposes of screening material for no-see-ums and mosquitos, the smaller the insect the more holes per square inch of screen you need.
The mores holes you have the smaller they have to be which tends to make the screen darker and less transparent.
To keep no-see-ums at bay you need no less than 20/17 screen; preferably you need 20/20 or 20/30.
Technically, that means in a square inch of screen you have 20 holes across and 17 down (thus a 20/17 screen).
You will still have good visibility but the trade off is worth not being bit by the little buggers.
Try Metro Screenworks for the screening material and current prices.
We are not connected with them.
Another excellent option are no-see-um netting or curtains.
An advantage of the netting is that it has even more holes (keeps 'em out) and you can remove the curtains (or tie them back) when not needed.
Find more information on our mosquito curtains page.
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