By Dave and Mary

Why is Veterans Day Important?

Hang Your Flag Proudly on Your Porch

Why is Veterans Day important? November 11th is a special day to honor the men and women who serve our country so that we can enjoy freedom every day.

And behind each of those Veterans, there is also a family who sacrifices a lot while their loved one serve their country.

Dave and I truly appreciate seeing the US flag proudly displayed on front porches on Veterans Day across America. We have a free downloadable card for you to give a Veteran to thank them for their service.

Why is Veterans Day important collage
Veterans' Day is close to our hearts

Why is Veterans Day important
Patriotic porches

Veterans Day is important because of the precious freedoms that we take for granted every day. Saying "thank you" to a person in the military is a very small price for our glorious freedom.

Take a Moment to Watch This Tribute to Veterans

A heartwarming video created by a veteran for all veterans

Why is Veterans Day important
Photo is courtesy of Beverly and Pack

Why is Veterans Day Important?

Because it's real people like these who protect and honor our precious freedom each and every day: our spouses, Dads, Moms, brothers, sisters, neighbors, sons, daughters, friends, cousins, co-workers. People who mean a great deal to us.

Video: Patriotic Porches

The Ultimate Sacrifice

Why is Veterans Day important? It is a day to not only honor all who have served but also to acknowledge those who have given their lives to protect our freedoms.

On the last Monday of May, we observe Memorial Day to especially remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms.

U.S. Military War Deaths - Major Conflicts*

American Civil War - 625,000

WWI - 405,399

WWII - 116,516

Vietnam - 58,151

Korean War - 36,516

American Revolutionary War - 25,000

War of 1812 - 20,000

Mexican American War - 13,283

War on terror (as of Sept 2012) (Iraq/Afghanistan/other) - 6,280

Philippine?American War - 4,196

U.S. Military War Deaths - All Conflicts Beginning with American Revolution*


Freedom is not free

*Source: Wikipedia

American Flags flying on several front porches
Photo is courtesy of Rowland-W

Make a Veteran Happy

A Beautiful, Cheery Card to Send to Your Favorite Veterans

Send a card to your favorite vet

This cheerful Veterans Day card is in our Etsy shop and it's a printable card, meaning you get it instantly and can print it from home.

We wanted to have a Veterans Day card that was both cheerful and honoring, so I painted these flowers and flag for you. We hope you enjoy seeing it in our shop and maybe even send to a few of your favorite Veterans.

Send a card to your favorite vet

I created this page of patriotic images as a nice way for you to add something pretty inside your Veterans Day card. In our Etsy shop, if you purchase this card, you'll also receive this page to print onto sticker paper or plain paper.

And we also include a nice list of sayings for Veterans Day, too.

Why Is Veterans Day Important - Veterans Day Facts

This federal holiday is also celebrated as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day. It falls on November 11, the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I.

Major battles of WWI formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 when the Germans signed the Armistice.

patriotic porch
Let freedom ring

Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arlington National Cemetery

Why is Veterans Day Important?

Brave, honorable, dedicated, patriotic, and altruistic men and women in the US military believe in something greater than themselves.

- They are willing to sacrifice and serve others.

- They know, that without their help, others may never be free

So we take one day a year to recognize their valor and sacrifice.

Do You Have a Special Veteran in Your Life?

My husband, his father (Wayne) and our son, Tom
My sweet father-in-love, Wayne on the left, from WWII
Our son, Tom, currently serving as a Lt Col in the USAF
And Dave, who served for 20 years in the USAF
(Wayne died in 1994 and Tom lovingly superimposed Wayne's picture in this photo)
Like you, I sure have some special veterans in my life. As a military wife for 20 years, I dedicate this page to some very special veterans.
  • My sweet hubby, Dave, for serving in the USAF for 20 years.
  • Our son, Tom, and his family. Tom is a Major in the USAF.
  • My brother, Michael, who served in Viet Nam in the 1960's.
  • My father-in-love, Wayne, who proudly served in WWII.
  • Our friend, A. Shutt, who served in Desert Storm.
  • Our friend, D. Sloan, who served in the U.S. Army.
  • Our friends, D. Clark, L. Link, S. Haley, G. Fuller and A. & G. Looper who served proudly. And many more - we appreciate them all.
  • And to all the veterans who have served and continue to serve to protect our precious freedom. Thank you so very much from the bottom of our hearts!

Send a card to your favorite vet
Thank the veterans in your life with our free card

We thank our Veterans!
A heartfelt appreciation to all of our Veterans

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Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches. You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.

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Mary and Dave, Founders of Front Porch Ideas and More
Hi! We're Mary and Dave, lifelong DIYers, high school sweethearts, and we both love porches. You've come to the right place for thousands of porch ideas.
--- Cute Mushroom Mug ---
cute mushroom mug sitting next to a vase with daisies
Wouldn't this be an adorable mug for your porch? It's for sale in my Etsy shop!

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